Thursday, February 26, 2015

I'm an owl on the sill in the evening...

Hi, doves! I thought I should take a break from moping over the end of Parks and Rec (And I do mean moping. It wasn't a sob fest; it was something more. I have felt genuinely melancholy?... disheartened?... I guess I can't really find the word for it, but it hit hard... Ahem. Anyway!) to do something, you know, productive. And we had a warm, sunny day this past weekend. So, I actually willingly went out to take photos. Thank goodness there are only twenty-two days  until spring!

My brother gave me this hat for Christmas, and it goes perfectly with this dress! I'm slowly but surely trying to accessorize more. I've never been one for jewelry, but I do think accessories can make an outfit much more interesting. I'm working on it! It sounds silly, but this hat is a big step for me.
(Vintage cardigan, wool hat from brother, ModCloth dress & booties, Target tights)
This photo is basically just a reminder that my bangs could use a trim. 
I snagged this dress from ModCloth during one of their last sales. Bespectacled owls? Obviously I couldn't pass it up. 
I'm currently stuck home on a snow day, so I think it's time to have a cuppa tea and do a little yoga. Have a great weekend!

Post title from "This Tornado Loves You" by Neko Case.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Velvet grunge.

Hi, doves! It feels so good to be back on a weekly posting schedule!

This is what I wore (with one exception) to a show in New York this past Saturday. I switched to a lighter knit, striped cardigan. Thank goodness I did! It was so deathly hot in the theatre that I would have been murderous in this sweater (have I mentioned I hate the heat? Because I hate it!). 

I was a little iffy about the whole outfit because it looked pretty Valentine's Day-ish to me (if you've followed me for a while, you'll remember I created my own anti-Valentine's Day holiday called Lime Green & Turquoise Day!). I'm hoping it looks a little more grungy though. The skirt makes me think of the velvet chokers I used to wear as a kid. But perhaps I'm just seeing what I want to see!

I took these photos in three different spots all with different lighting. Because some days I just don't know what I'm going for...
(UO cardigan, ancient thrifted top, ModCloth skirt, Target tights, Ruche boots)
(I had a ton of in focus twirling photos, but whatever. I like this blurry, awkward one best.)
Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely weekend (and Friday the 13th)! 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Going up?

Hi, doves! Well, so much for my goal to post every two weeks. One of my SD cards vanished into thin air (now that I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the cats decided to bat it around and sent it off into the void!), and I lost a bunch of photos. Womp, womp. But I had some time this weekend, so I went out and re-shot this outfit the other day. All is not lost!

This has become a favourite casual outfit of mine. It's perfect for running around on weekends. I bought this skirt from  Threadless on a bit of a whim, and I'm glad I did! Here I paired it with my hot air balloon tee even though I wasn't sure about the prints together at first. The combination definitely grew on me. The skirt print is actually wee row boats! But I keep seeing them as indecisive little arrows. 
(UO cardigan, Threadless tee skirt, ModCloth socks, shoes)
This weekend we're going to a show (any Jason Isbell fans out there?) in New York with my best dude friend and my brother, so I'll be back next week with what I wore! I haven't been to a show in so long that it's starting to depress me. Another goal for this year: more music!