Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Knee Highs & Paisley.

And then some days you wind up taking three hundred photos in the weird evening light. You trudge inside with a cold, red nose, convinced all of your effort was for naught. But you throw all of the evening's pictures onto your computer anyway... And as you scroll through, you're pleasantly surprised...
 (ModCloth cardigan & heels, Target dress, F21 belt, Sock Dreams over the knee socks)

I really thought I was going to have to scrap every single photo and try again another time! What a relief. I tried three or four different spots in the yard over a few hours. After all that, I'm just  thrilled happy to have a few good shots!
Anyway, enough of that nonsense! I really do love this outfit, and I was thrilled to pull out my knee highs this morning. One thing from my childhood I've never been able to shake is my love of paisley. I'm such a sucker for a good paisley pattern. So, when I saw this dress in Target last year, I just couldn't pass up the teal & rust paisley-esque pattern (they don't have wee tails, so they're more just tear drops... But that's close enough for me)!

Any style choices that seem to have stuck with you for life? A pattern, material, or colour perhaps? 

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